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Nasal Polyps Natural Treatment ( New Study )

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In recent study, Nasal polyp tissue was obtained from patients undergoing nasal polypectomies and bronchial tissue was dissected from macroscopically normal parts of human lungs derived from patients undergoing surgery due to lung carcinoma. The tissues were collected within 30 min after surgical removal, kept on ice, chopped with fine scissors and carefully rinsed several times in ice-cold phosphate- buffered saline (PBS (pH 7.4), 0.9 mM Ca2+) until the buffer was macroscopically free of contaminating blood. Incubation of chopped nasal polyps without exogenous stimulus at 37°C for 30 min, led to production of 15-HETE, while no 12- or 5-HETE was formed. Ad¬dition of arachidonic acid (75 ^M) markedly increased the 15-HETE synthesis and induced a minor 12-HETE production. Addition of calcium ionophore A23187 did not significantly alter the HETE formation. Detectable levels of 5-HETE could not be observed under any condition. Bronchial tissue converted exogenous arachidonic acid to 15-HET

Nasal Polyps Still More Questions than Answers ??

Hình ảnh
In recent study, an increased expression of GRb mRNA was found in epithelial cell extracts from nasal polyps compared to nasal mucosa, which was more evident in those polyp samples containing more than 3% of inflammatory cells. The higher expression of GRb in nasal polyps apparently accounts for the inflammatory cells that remained after panning, for a correlation was found between GRb expression and the number of inflammatory cells, especially mast cells, present in the epithelial cell extracts.  This study is tempted to speculate that if we had not removed the inflammatory cell content from nasal polyps, it would probably have found a more marked difference in the expression of GRb mRNA in nasal polyps with respect to nasal mucosa. Indeed, Hamilos and coworkers have recently reported that GRb expression in nasal polyps is confined to inflammatory cells, particularly T lymphocytes, eosinophils, and macrophages.The authors also reported increased number of GRb-positive inflammatory cel